For those that call Village Church home, we dedicate our lives to the mission of Jesus and seeing that mission transform the culture around us. This includes supporting our local church financially. As Jesus taught frequently, what we do with our money reveals our hearts and what it is that we truly value. We give not primarily out of duty, but out of joy.
All giving is tax deductible and you will receive a year-end giving receipt.
Give Online
We use an online giving platform called PushPay, which allows for a fast, simple and secure giving experience. Visit the link below to setup your online giving.
Give By Mail:
You can also give through the mail by sending a check or money order made out to “Village Church” to:
Village Church
11533 Busy St., Suite 204
N. Chesterfield, VA 23236
Give By Online Bill Pay:
This service is usually free if you have an account with your bank and are able to manage your account online. An advantage of setting up your own online bill pay through your bank is there are no fees to the church when using this method.
Set-up Instructions:
Each bank is set-up slightly different. If you have additional questions, we recommend you contact your bank directly.
Log-in to your online banking. >> For example, www.chase.com or www.wellsfargo.com
Select “Bill Pay.”
Select “Add Payee.”
Enter the applicable information:
Village Church
11533 Busy St., Suite 204
N. Chesterfield, VA 23236
If your bank's bill pay system requires an account number, try using your phone number.
Select “Recurring Payment.” Enter the appropriate dollar amount and frequency.
Select “Finish.”