Big "C", little "c": Week 10 - "The Lord’s Supper”
Main Passage: Luke 22:14-20
The Lord’s Supper is for Christians to Reflect on God’s Faithfulness
Luke 22:14-20
Exodus 12:11-13
Exodus 12:17
Exodus 24:7-8
The Lord’s Supper Represents the Christian Fellowship with God and Each Other
1 Corinthians 11:23-31
Matthew 5:23-24
The Lord’s Supper Confronts People with the Offense of the Gospel
1 Corinthians 11:27-31
Exodus 13:8
Luke 22:19
The Lord’s Supper Offers the Hope of Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Isaiah 25:6-9
Revelation 19:9
Application Points:
Our faith must be built on what God has done in the world
We must regularly take inventory of the validity of our faith
Communion is designed to offend the sinner to flee sin and trust Christ
You can trust God with the future because Jesus is King